What does logical positivism suggest to us about constructivist-based theories?

What does logical positivism suggest to us about constructivist-based theories?

Theory of Constructivism and its Relationship to Learning Essay Paper

Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read chapters five and six in your e-book and review the Instructor Guidance. If your last name begins with A-M you will discuss the theory of constructivism and its relationship to learning. If your last name begins with N-Z, you will discuss humanism and its relationship to learning psychology. Theory of Constructivism and its Relationship to Learning Essay Paper


Constructivists suggest that a person’s reality is unique from others and thus, effects what, how, and how effective knowledge is acquired. This is suggested to be affected by numerous variables such as culture, past experiences, and past knowledge.
Humanism posits a purposefully person-centered approach to learning, that includes personal growth, focus on self-development, and personal needs. Theory of Constructivism and its Relationship to Learning Essay Paper
Consider the following as you discuss:


What does logical positivism suggest to us about constructivist-based theories? Do you agree or disagree?
How do exogenous constructivism, endogenous constructivism, and dialectical constructivism differ and why does it matter?
How does situated cognition (discussed in Week 3) support the suggestions made by constructivism? Theory of Constructivism and its Relationship to Learning Essay Paper

Discuss a personal experience where you feel constructivism ideologies explained either the effectiveness of, or the non-effectiveness of, the learning experience. Would you consider this learning experience exploratory learning, inquiry learning, or problem-based learning? Why?
What implications in learning effectiveness might exist if construction of individualized knowledge is negated?


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