Urgent Risks And Mental Health

Urgent Risks And Mental Health

Questions 1

  1. Using the case study prov dedi identify an urgent risk area. Ensure your ansNver details why you have identified this risk area Including specific information about the client and current literature.
  2. Identify one nursing / midwifery intervention you would immediately undertake With your client to address the risk area noted in question Ia and include a rationale for the intervention.

Ensure the Intervention includes Who and when you would actually carry out the Intervention. Your rationale should state how and why you muld carry out the particular intervention Ensure literature is included.

Questions 2

  1. Using the case study provided. identify a mental health concern. Ensure your answer details Why this is an area of concern, Include specific information about the client and current literature.
  2. Identify one nursing midwifery intervention you would undertake with your client to address the mental health Concern noted in question 2a and include a rationale for the intervention.Urgent Risks And Mental Health Paper

Ensure the interventions includes how. Who and When you would actually carry out the intervention. Your rationale should state how and why you would carry out the particular intervention. Ensure literature is included when you discuss the rationale

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