The Reflection Of Neurological Case

The Reflection Of Neurological Case


Task: Provide a personal reflection on the clinical practices adopted by you for the case scenario of 25-year-old man who had reported to the hospital and later on diagnosis revealed that the patient was suffering from Parsonage-Turner Syndrome.


The clinical practice assignment is intended towards reflecting on the clinical practices adopted while dealing with a neurological case at the Concord Hospital. The scenario chosen for the purpose is the case of a 25-year-old man who had reported to the hospital for undergoing severe pain in shoulder and head, followed by atrophy of the upper extremity musculature. The diagnosis revealed that the patient was suffering from Parsonage-Turner Syndrome. It was observed that the patient had unilateral scapular winging following post-exposure prophylaxis. In this regard, the paper aims at reflecting on the clinical practices applied to the situation using Driscoll’s model of reflection.The Reflection Of Neurological Case

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