How would you apply this information to a behavior change program

How would you apply this information to a behavior change program

Behavior Modification Intervention Report (STRESS MANAGEMENT) Behavior Modification Report must contain the following: • Title of Behavior Change Intervention • Summary of articles and application to behavior change interventions • Stages of change the behavior intervention focuses on • How would you apply this information to a behavior change program The report should be written using size 12 font, Times New Roman or Calibri, double-spaced, and consist of 3 pages Proper citations should be included in the report with a reference page at the end. You may use MLA format for your report. Articles should come from reputable health promotion, exercise science, or health education related journals. Some journals to consider are but not limited to: American Journal of Health Promotion, Journal of Health Education, Health Education & Behavior, and The Art of Health Promotion. Other reputable journals in the areas of Health Psychology, Exercise Science, or Nursing are acceptable Select a minimum of 3 to 5 articles that support your behavior change topic. Your report must focus on a specific behavior change technique or intervention that you have researched that has support in changing unhealthy habits or adopting new healthy habits. Summarize this intervention and thoroughly describe the intervention used in your articles. You can choose from a topic that impacts the field of health, stress management. Your paper must answer the question of how you would use this intervention in a behavior change program. Include the stages of change that your intervention will impact. Use the following headings: Summary of Behavior Change, Stage of Change Used, and Application to a Behavior Modification Program. Remember to follow all instructions Summary of Article – (Bold & Underline) majority of paper Size 12 or 14 font for heading Summarize the 3 to 5 articles you selected on a behavior intervention technique. The summary includes what the articles are about, information about the research study and findings, results and the relevance to Behavior Modification today. This must be a health related intervention. The majority of your paper will be in the summary. A thorough description of the intervention technique, what it has been successfully used for meaning what behavior does it help to change, and any additional relevant information about the intervention. The body of the paper should be written in MLA format using size 12 font, Times New Roman or Calibri, double-spaced. Stage of Change – (Bold & Underline) 1 page or less Size 12 or 14 font for heading In this section identify and describe the stage of change that applies to your behavior intervention. You can indicate more than one stage of change if that is applicable to the intervention. Discuss why the stage of change you’ve identified is appropriate. Application – (Bold & Underline) ½ page Size 12 or 14 font for heading In this section, discuss how you would apply this intervention to a Behavior Change program. What would you do? How would you incorporate it into a program. Be specific and provide examples. References – (Bold & Underline) –Size 12 or 14 font for heading The reference list is an additional page beyond 3 to 5 for the article. This page lists all references used including the articles summarized in MLA format at the end.

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