Focus on one idea that would help improve the work-life quality of the entire interprofessional team

 Focus on one idea that would help improve the work-life quality of the entire interprofessional team

Nursing is a high stress, high demand profession. Many nurses and other health care professionals suffer from job burnout and have valid concerns about workplace safety, inadequate pay, and lack of support from management. In health care organizations committed to improving work-life quality, everyone wins. Employees are productive and patient safety improves. A content, productive health care worker is healthier, less stressed, and less likely to make costly mistakes. In this discussion, propose a work-life quality program idea for an interprofessional team you are currently (or have previously been) a part of. Focus on one idea that would help improve the work-life quality of the entire interprofessional team. Be brief, be creative, and do not be afraid to think “outside the box.” Be sure to follow the requirements for initial postings found in the Faculty Expectations Message (FEM).  Please only use Sources from 2015 to present . and only use .org, .edu and .net

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