Ethics of Medical Practitioner Migration

Ethics of Medical Practitioner Migration

The work spectrum of duties of a Healthcare provider in Australia has a wide approach. The train to provide Healthcare support and a number of other facilities to the patients. There are number of cases where the interventions that are being used me not seem ethical and moral. There are a number of situations where a Healthcare personal will be caught up in a tricky situation. In this case study where Declan suffers from a degenerative disorders an epileptic fits is one of the cases where strict dilemma between moral and consensual duties. In this scenario one of the most important condition that arises is what amount of power can be bestowed upon a person for deciding the fate of another’s life (Runciman, Merry & Walton, 2017). The decision made by Jail may be best suited for her as she is spent in taking care of a father. It has to be taken into consideration that Arthur is still not ready to give in to the disease.Ethics of Medical Practitioner Migration

It has being shown that Jane does not want her father to be resuscitated in case of a cardiac arrest. This puts a major dilemma in the mind of Healthcare personal as they are typically required to preserve the human life as long as they can. Moreover Jane suggested that her father would not be comfortable with the idea it is also not right to decide the death of a person without his consent. It is seen in the case study that he is living a hard and almost paralyzed life as he has little or no time that he can spend by himself. Euthanasia is still not unviable option as it is very illegal in Australia (Carter et al., 2015). On the part of Healthcare personal it is his duty to save the life of a person who is terminally ill and has been admitted under the supervision.Ethics of Medical Practitioner Migration

In the study it is also showing that her daughter has not failed to take care of the needs of the person. In the long term she had intended to provide all the necessary help that he will treat along with the best therapies that would help you improve this condition. The lack of success of the therapies and the medical procedures also takes a toll on her and her personal life. Since it is not allowed in the Australian Healthcare it nice a person in any scenario we eat assisted suicide or an active Euthanasia. If he is not help in case of a cardiac arrest it would be wrong on the part of Healthcare personal and it may affect is career if he is caught. Not helping a person having heart attack is same as assistant his suicide which is unlawful in Australia (Molloy, McCarthy & Tyrrell, 2016). The intervention methods that are being used for assisted suicide or illegal in Australia.

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