Ethical Principles of Global Business Standards Codex

Ethical Principles of Global Business Standards Codex


Task: Evaluate the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) regulatory regime using three ethical principles of the Global Business Standards Codex?Ethical Principles of Global Business Standards Codex


The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was founded in 1999 with the intention to harmonize, encourage, and monitor the fight against the sports. The foundation was commenced by the International Olympic Committee based in Canada. WADA is an international NGO whose objective is to take appropriate measure for harmonizing the anti-doping regulations in all sports and countries. It is chiefly involved in the amalgamation of important changes within doping patterns along with creating awareness of morality to an individual towards the competitive league. Its elementary actions are education, development of anti-doping capacities, scientific research and monitoring the World Anti Doping Code (Code). WADA released a document named World Anti-Doping Code, specifying anti-doping rules and regulations for all sports which should be complied by all sports stakeholders around the world. It is not bound by any border or sport as it works across all nations and athletes. All of such factors have been clearly stated in the report in connection with the Global Business Standard Codex (Alliez, 2012). An extensive range of standards like validation of the commitment by the governments against doping, and assisting testing programs across the world, are successfully incorporated by the agency.

Doping refers to the illegal use or consumption of substances or medical techniques by athletes to improve their stamina and enhance the performance. The prime purpose behind doping is to gain an advantage over the opponent, which is ethically unfair and illegal. They are usually consumed in either tablet form, injections or applied to the skin through gels or creams. There are five types of drugs that are classified as banned, out of which the most commonly used are stimulants and hormones. However, they are used with the purpose to improve performance, but they cause severe risk to the health of the athlete and also contravene the sports spirit.Ethical Principles of Global Business Standards Codex

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