Effective Professional Communication In Nursing

Effective Professional Communication In Nursing

Effective Professional Communication In Nursing


Task: Discuss why effective nurse patient communication is critical to promote therapeututic nurse patient relationships and patient safety

Assessment Details

  • Choose ONE of the patient scenarios provided (George Pham, Helen Henderson or Chester Abioye)
  • Use examples from the chosen scenario AND
  • Discuss how the nurse would use verbal and non-verbal communication skills, person-centred care and effective documentation to develop a therapeutic relationship with the patient and promote patient safety Effective Professional Communication In Nursing


Introduction: Effective communication acts as a key factor contributing to healthcare and nursing. As a vital part of healthcare sector, nurses and caregivers possess a great strength of clinical expertise that can be shared better with an addition of suitable communication styles. Appropriate communication skills followed by other factors like effective documentation and person-centred care can help in development of trust and a therapeutic relation within the caregivers and patients, contributing to a further promotion of patient safety. The present effective professional communication in nursing focuses on a case study related to Helen Henderson, a 43 year old lady, employed as a chief financial controller and is in a relationship with female. In addition, a detailed understanding of the impact of suitable non-verbal along with verbal communication on healthcare will also be highlighted.

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