Discuss your nursing career goals, steps to continue lifelong learning and the hopes you have for nursing in the future

Discuss your nursing career goals, steps to continue lifelong learning and the hopes you have for nursing in the future

The end of semester evaluation of the BSN program outcomes will be comprehensively analyzed in a synthesis paper. The paper should be no more than 5 pages and will include the elements below. The student will identify the element below, identify in which course the element was achieved, and provide a brief reflection addressing how the outcome was reached. Please address all the key points: Collaborate with interdisciplinary professionals to implement effective clinical prevention strategies for the population health throughout the lifespan. Articulate the value of pursing practice excellence, lifelong learning, and professional engagement to foster professionalism. Implement holistic compassionate, patient centered, safe, and evidence based care that respects patients and family preferences Advocate for global care and social justice among all populations. Employ lifelong learning for decision making to support excellence in nursing practice. Discuss your nursing career goals, steps to continue lifelong learning and the hopes you have for nursing in the future. Environment Humanity Health Nursing

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