Discuss Pros & Cons of Universal HealthCare in the United States.


Discuss Pros & Cons of Universal HealthCare in the United States.

Research the topic on the Pros & Cons of Universal HealthCare in the United States. That is HMO. Here the topic is CONS for HMO. Based on your research, prepare an argument using a PowerPoint presentation supporting pro for “for” and con for “against” of HMO the Universal HealthCare in the United States. Include at least three major points in support of your position. Each group will identify three speakers and must be prepared to speak and present their argument in a PowerPoint Presentation for about 15 minutes as part of a class debate on the topic. Extra 10 minutes will be provided on each side for cross examination and rebuttals. Final 2 minutes for closing statements will be added to each team.

Grading Rubric for Verbal Class Debate over the role of federal and state government in health care

1. Organization & Clarity: Three (3) main arguments and responses are outlined in a clear and orderly way.

2. Use of Argument: Reasons are given to support the resolution

3. Use of crossexamination and rebuttal: Identification of weakness in other team’s arguments and ability to defend itself against attack

4. Presentation Style: Tone of voice, clarity of expression, precision of arguments all contribute to keeping audience’s attention and persuading them of the team’s case.

5. Five (5) reputable and current sources (within 5 years) were cited within the visual presentation. All references were in correct APA Format.

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