Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Essay

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Essay

This paper discusses the best approaches to care with regards to the management of a child with Attention deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It provides the best decisions that should be made by a mental health practitioner at every point of care with regards to the differential diagnosis, psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. A detailed explanation of how ethical considerations might impact communication and the treatment plan will also be provided. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Essay.

Decision 1: Differential Diagnosis

Decision Selected

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with a predominantly inattentive presentation

Reasons for Selecting This Decision

The client in this case primarily presented with problems of inattention, easily being distracted, easily forgot things she previously learned in school, made careless mistakes in her schoolwork, has a short attention span and only paid attention to activities and events she was interested in. According to American Psychiatric Association (2013), these are generally signs and symptoms of attention deficit hyperactive disorder with a predominant presentation of inattentiveness.

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