Depression in an Emerging Adulthood

Depression in an Emerging Adulthood

As people reach the age of 18, they develop some characteristics and traits that they sometimes would never expect. Depression plays a huge factor on individuals at the age of eighteen through twenty-five, and maybe even sooner than eighteen. Emerging adulthood takes place in an individual’s life from adolescence up to becoming a young adult. One of the factors that creep in as we age into adulthood is depression. Depression may affect your goals and aspirations, emotions, and it can make you sluggish. D. Depression in a young adult ruins their train of thought and they can’t truly discover themselves. In many ways, depression can affect the cognitive, emotional, social, and physical aspect of a young adult.Depression in an Emerging Adulthood

Cognitive Development Domain

Our mental health mixed with depression messes up our ability to think right and to understand certain situations. The study shows that the stress from the transition of school to college lead to distortions cognitively, and general health among college students. The study explored the relationship between depression and cognitive distortions among college students. 125 undergraduate students (62 male and 63 female) were surveyed and related to the depression and cognitive distortions. Girls were found to be more depressed in high self-criticism compared to boys. Not only is the cognitive aspect affected but the emotional development domain.

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