Cases of AIDS in the Workplace

Cases of AIDS in the Workplace

Aids is now the second leading cause of death among Americans between the ages of 25-44. More than 50% of the workforce is in this age group. 16% of large businesses have been impacted by the Aids epidemic, while 1 in 16 small businesses have been impacted by Aids. Severe stress (caused by work or home) may hasten the progression of the early stages of HIV. This is why the workplace should be prepared to deal with these types of situations.Cases of AIDS in the Workplace

There are two organizations that deal with Aids in the workplace:

The Business Responds to Aids and the Labor Responds to Aids Resource Services is centralized information and referral service that links callers from businesses and labor with resources designed to help them prepare to manage issues related to HIV/AIDS in the workplace. The service was developed in conjunction with workplace education experts and business and labor leaders. Aids-in-the-workplace specialists answer questions, distribute materials, make referrals, and identify resources for callers from small and large organizations throughout the country. They also provide assistance to help workplaces set up effective HIV/AIDS programs. A comprehensive program is made up of five components:Cases of AIDS in the Workplace

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