Discuss influenza, the modes of spread and the specific risks it poses for the older person
Word count: 1500 words
Total marks: 100: Weighting: 40%
You are required to write a 1500-word structured essay, in response to the following case study:
Case Study:
Mr Jimmy Holden is a 68-year-old resident of Sunset Residential Aged Care Facility. He is a widower with two daughters, one who lives nearby and visits daily, many of his relatives also visit regularly. Mr Holden identifies as an Aboriginal Elder, he is underweight for his height, unsteady when mobilising and uses a walking frame. Over the last few days he has had worsening flu-like symptoms (fever and aching joints) and now has a productive cough, lethargy and reduced appetite. He has been diagnosed with influenza and an associated chest infection.
In your essay:
- Discuss influenza, the modes of spread and the specific risks it poses for the older person;
- Discuss infection control precautions that are necessary in a residential aged care facility;
- Discuss other risk assessments and the nursing care that is required, including the cultural safety aspects for this patient;
- Discuss other health team involvement that may be required and why;
- Support all sections with current scholarly literature (at least 15, published in the last 10 years)
Please ensure you present your work according to academic standards as identified in The Health
Writing & Referencing Guide, including strict adherence to the 1500-word limit.
Time New Roman 12-point double line spacing
Finally: Check and save a copy of you work and submit on-line via the relevant submission point under the assessment tab on the course site. There is a draft submission point for you to check your text matching, remember this can take a few days in a high demand time.
Introduction (Approximately 100-150 words)· Identifies the topic
· Clearly explained the aim/purpose and structure of the essay · Included a thesis statement (for examples see the Health Writing & Referencing Guide under The Introduction) |
/5 |
Discuss Influenza (Approximately 250 – 300 words)· Describe influenza? /4
· Explain the modes of spread /8 · Define and describe the risks for the older person /8 |
/ 20 |
Infection Control Precautions (Approximately 250- 300 words)· Explain the appropriate infection control precautions required and provide a
rationale /10 · Specifically relate these precautions to the residential aged care facility and explain why they are necessary in residential aged care? /10 |
/ 20 |
Assessment and Nursing Care (Approximately 300-350 words)· Describe four other risk assessments needed for this patient e.g. pressure injury
assessment and fluid balance charts, include rationale for these assessments /20 · Include cultural aspects of care /5 |
/ 25 |
Interdisciplinary team (Approximately 150- 200 words)• Discuss two other health team involvement that may be needed for the patient and provide rationale | / 10 |
Conclusion (Approximately 150 -200 words)· Summarises the main points and ideas
· Emphasis overall point of view (‘so what’ factor) · No new material introduced |
/5 |
Presentation• Complies with academic standards according to the Health Writing & Referencing Guide for example; appropriate sentence and paragraph structure, overall logical flow, appropriate grammar and spelling | /5 |
Referencing· Supports all key points with appropriate and current scholarly literature, at least TEN (10), published in the last ten years. You can include one piece of grey literature in these 15 pieces of scholarly literature.
· Complies with APA 6th format in-text and in reference list. |
/ 10 |
TOTAL MARKS | / 100 |
Introduction 150 words
- Identifies topic
- Clearly explains purpose/structure of essay
- Include a thesis statement
Discuss influenza, the modes of spread and the specific risk it poses to the older person. 300 words current
- Describe influenza
- Explain the modes of spread
- Define and describe the risks for the older person
Discuss infection control precautions that are necessary in a residential aged care facility. 300 words
- explain appropriate infection control precautions required and provide rationale
- specifically relate these precautions to the residential aged care facility
- explain why they are necessary in residential aged care
Discuss other risk assessments and the nursing care that is required, including cultural safety aspects for elderly aboriginal male. 350 words
- Describe four other risk assessments needed for this patient
- Waterlow
- Falls risk assessment
- Fluid balance chart
- Nutrition
- Include rationale for these assessments
- Include cultural aspects of care
Discuss other health team involvement that maybe required and why. 200 words
- Discuss two other health team involvement that maybe needed for the patient, provide rationale
Conclusion 200 words
- Summarise the main points/ideas
- Emphasis overall point of view
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