The Factors of Postpartum Depression

The Factors of Postpartum Depression

What is it like when becoming a mother? This is a difficult question to answer because it depends on the person who is going through it. Being a mother can be a joyful but stressful as in same time. However, it is life changing. Many women go through different kinds of emotional and physical difficulties due to the new responsibility of taking care of a new life. This responsibility sometimes will lead to moods swing of hopelessness, loneliness, isolation, fearful and other anxiety. All of these symptoms increase the chance of postpartum depression, which eventually gets in a way of one’s ability to care for the newborn and handle day to day life tasks. According to the article becoming a mother with insufficient social support, acculturative stress and antenatal anxiety are some of the major predictive factors causing postpartum depression among U. S. immigrant women of Arabic descent. Beneficial intervation to help with depression is peer social support and non-directive counseling.The Factors of Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is one of the most common mood disorders associated with childbirth. Postpartum depression is assessed by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. One of the factors that lead to depression is acculturative stress. It is an emotional challenge of adapting to a new culture, which has a direct effect on postpartum depression. Mothers who have a high level of acculturative stress are in high chance of becoming depressed. This may be caused by the possibility of a language barrier they face. Another factor of depression is lack of social support. Social support does not have a direct proven correlation with either acculturative stress or postpartum depression, but lack of support can increase the chance of postpartum depression. According to the research, mothers who are new residents to the U. S, have no higher education, are low income; however, having social support from family, friends and spouse place these mothers in low risk for postpartum depression.

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