Nursing E-Portfolio: Approach For Better Career

Nursing E-Portfolio: Approach For Better Career


Task: Students will consult with their facilitator regarding how they intend to proceed with the development of their e Portfolio and submit a written plan.


A specific type of portfolio that is created by nurses to represent their best professional work and identical attributes is called an E-Portfolio. Here, in this study, it will be discussing about the portfolio developing in nursing career. All the nurses should maintain a specific portfolio to represent their own developing over time knowledge skills and presenting evidence by marketing themselves while applying for careers in nursing. A professional e-portfolio consists of materials which document the experiences and competencies by illustrating the career path. Portfolios in nursing career have the purpose in which they represent their backgrounds and expertise skills in specific field. The articles explains professional portfolios regarding nursing how to maintain and develop one (Chang et al., 2017). The portfolio provides a monitored way of professional development of nurses. In order to review the portfolio nurses can assist their progress in professional and personal aims so that they can plan better career in nursing domain. This e-portfolio does not make changes in curriculum vitae or resume but provides those information which are not concluded in these documents.

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