What social determinants of health were analyzed in this community needs assessment

What social determinants of health were analyzed in this community needs assessment

https://www.southcountyhealth.org/media/community-health-needs-assessment/chnafinalreport-boardapproved-2016.pdf READ the Community Needs Assessment for South County Hospital, then answer the following questions: 1) Identify 3 sources of data that were used in conducting this community needs assessment – be specific 2) Define the population served by South County Hospital? Describe the population served. 3) What social determinants of health were analyzed in this community needs assessment? Why are social determinants included in a needs assessment for a hospital? 4) How does cancer incidence in Washington County compare to the state cancer incidence rate? What is an incidence rate? ( see Chapter 3) 5) How does the prevalence of asthma among adults in Washington County compare to thr prevalence of asthma statewide? What is a prevalence rate? ( Ch 3)

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